Newcomers WelcomeWELCOME TO OSGOODE-KARS UNITED CHURCH! Are you looking for a vibrant, active and a friendly church where you can nurture your spirit and meet kindred souls? OSGOODE-KARS UNITED CHURCH welcomes all who come to share in worship and fellowship with us. We have one congregation and 2 buildings that we can worship in. One is in Kars and the other is in Osgoode. Check out the Service Times and Location section below for times and which church we are worshipping in on a particular date. If you are visiting or are new to the community, please do not hesitate to come to our doors on Sunday morning or contact our church office for more information. God welcomes all. We welcome all. Come just as you are. Upcoming EventsUpcoming Dates:Board Meeting Postponed due to bad weather again. New date is Wednesday February 19th at Ronda’s house 7pm. Annual General Meeting Feb.23, 2025 – following the worship Service. |